Josh Brolin to play Cable in Deadpool 2 and several more sequels

After an exhaustive search involving a bunch of older white guys who could convincingly play a surly time traveler, 20th Century Fox has finally found an older white guy to play surly time traveler Cable in Deadpool 2. According to The Hollywood Reporter, that older white guy is Josh Brolin, and he has reportedly signed on to play Cable in four movies, presumably meaning we can count on seeing him pop up in the previously teased X-Force, Deadpool 3, and X-Force 2 movies in addition to Deadpool 2. Of course, that’s assuming that the moviegoing public never gets tired of Deadpool movies, but surely that could never happen.

Deadpool 2 will be Brolin’s second time jumping into a big Marvel comic book movie role, with the first being Thanos in the Avengers movies. Thanos hasn’t gotten to do much in those movies other than snarl at Lee Pace and sit in his flying chair, though, so hopefully Brolin will be a bit more active in Deadpool’s corner of the X-Men universe.

David Leitch is directing Deadpool 2, and it’s set to be in theaters next year.

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