Josh Gad is still sneakily plying Daisy Ridley for more Last Jedi details

Actor Josh Gad is costarring with Daisy Ridley in Kenneth Branagh’s upcoming adaptation of Murder On The Orient Express, a high-profile project but a stopgap for Ridley between episodes seven and eight of the new Star Wars trilogy. Last week, shortly after the title of this year’s installment was revealed as The Last Jedi, Gad posted an Instagram video attempting to figure out who the last Jedi was in the title, and whether it was plural, and if there was any information she could please reveal, because, for fuck’s sake, it’s Star Wars, and that information is the breath of life itself. Ostensibly calling her into his trailer to discuss something about their actual collaboration, she stonewalled him.

Now, he’s taken another crack. It doesn’t go well.

He starts off with an apology for the previous interaction, which eases the way into another ostensible behind-the-scenes practice session that is also a transparent attempt to get more details about The Last Jedi. She immediately dips. It’s a solid attempt, but she’s wising up. Maybe stop with the subterfuge? You can watch their original interaction below.

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