Josh Gad to write biopic of wrestler Gorgeous George

No matter how many movies you don’t see or TV shows you don’t watch, the entertainment industry is determined to make Josh Gad “a thing.” After all, he has the makings of a comedy star: He looks kind of funny, he says things that are kind of funny, and he was in a smash hit Disney movie. As far as the studios that make movies and TV shows are concerned, people should be lining up to buy Josh Gad T-shirts that have a big picture of his face and a classic quote from one of his beloved movies. (We’d get one that says “Watch out for Pac-Man, Adam Sandler!”)

Seeing as how T-shirts like that probably don’t even exist, maybe the trick to endearing Josh Gad to people is to let him work behind the scenes. That seems to be WWE Studios’ idea, at least, since Deadline is reporting that it has hired Gad to co-write a biopic of classic wrestling icon George Raymond Wagner, a.k.a. Gorgeous George. Wagner was one of the biggest stars of early televised professional wrestling thanks to his flamboyant personality and over-the-top theatrics in the ring, both of which gave him the air of someone who was destined to be famous, whether people were on board with it or not. We’re not sure what WWE Studios thinks a guy like Josh Gad can bring to a story like that, but he’ll probably come up with something.

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