Joss Whedon’s new movie is already available on demand

Ever since the mysterious Avengers: Age Of Ultron tease after Captain America: The Winter Soldier, comic-book fans have been clamoring to see more from director Joss Whedon. And now, at last, his new film is available to rent digitally. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with The Avengers, so you’ll still have to keep waiting on that.

The news comes via The New York Times, which reports that Whedon announced at the Tribeca Film Festival that his latest movie, In Your Eyes, is available to rent for $5 at its official site—just a few days after its first three minutes were posted online. Despite having the perfect name for a Peter Gabriel biopic, In Your Eyes is actually a sci-fi love story about two people who develop a relationship via psychic abilities. It stars Ruby Sparks’ Zoe Kazan and Cloverfield’s Michael Stahl-David as the super-powered lovers, with one as an unhappy housewife and the other as “an ex-con with a heart of gold.”  Make sure to stay after the credits, because Samuel L. Jackson just might show up to recruit Kazan and Stahl-David to a certain super-team. Not The Avengers, though. This has nothing to do with that.

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