Joss Whedon to assume control of Runaways

Out with the old, in with the new. Last week writer Brian K. Vaughan announced he and artist Adrian Alphona would be leaving Runaways, their superpowered-teens-on-the-run series with issue #24. Now, Marvel has unveiled the new team. Artist Michael Ryan (New Excalibur) and a young writer named Joss Whedon (creator of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly).

Why? Here's what Whedon told Newsarama:

"I just love the book . . . I couldn't help myself. I seldom make intelligent choices and when I do they usually turn out to be really stupid decisions. So I'm going with love. Following Brian [Vaughan] on any book is idiotic, but playing with these kids makes it worth the hilarious drop in quality we're all gonna enjoy.

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