Journalist Igor Volsky exposes the hypocrisy of the GOP’s “thoughts and prayers”

Think Progress journalist Igor Volsky has been vocal in calling out politicians who tweet about “thoughts and prayers” after mass shootings but who have accepted gun-lobby dollars. In the wake of Sunday’s mass shooting at Pulse, a gay club in Orlando, Volsky has taken it to a new level.

He started by pointing out that not a single Republican has mentioned that the LGBT community was the target of the attack.

From there, he began individually tweeting at GOP lawmakers.

He then listed all of the U.S. senators who voted against the bill that would have kept individuals who are on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Donald Trump, who hasn’t received NRA money, got called out by Volsky for flip-flopping his view on assault rifles.

Volsky also took time away from his overtly political tweets to post this.

Thanks, Igor, for tweeting what so many people are thinking.

[Via Uproxx]

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