Joy Behar Is Sick Of Hearing About Star Jones' Tits

Despite my well-documented fascination with Star Jones and all things disgusting, I stopped watching The View a few years ago. I was afraid of catching either menopausal sassiness (from watching Joy and Meredith) or freakish conservatism and a love for idiotic jackets (a la Elizabeth Hasselbeck).

After a particularly disturbing Halloween episode––Barbara Walters dressed up like Marilyn Monroe, and didn't break character for the entire show. You haven't been creeped out until you've seen Walters commit to acting "sexy" for an hour––I turned off The View for good.

Oh, how I regret that decision.

Apparently yesterday on the show, Star Jones called in to discuss her botched boob job at torturous length with the co-hosts. Joy Behar became understandably annoyed, and cut Star off. Robbed of the opportunity to wax on about herself (and her new breasts), Star lashed out (as is to be expected of anyone who has completed the physical, emotional, and spiritual journey that Star has. She's probably tired. And cranky).

You can read about the fight here.

But I would recommend watching a clip of the fight here.

Nothing beats watching Joy angrily fidget. Except maybe the part when she says to Star, "Keep your tits perky!" And, of course, the part at the end when Star calls Joy a "bitch."

There really should be more live television.

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