Judge Dredd 2.0? Oh yeah, it's happening  

According to the good folks over at EW's PopWatch   Danny Boyle's production company and 28 Days Later/Sunshine screenwriter/novelist Alex Garland are keen to bring comic book favorite Judge Dredd back to the big-screen after a disastrous 1995 Sylvester Stallone-driven adaptation seemingly buried the franchise forever.

The 1995 film was eviscerated by critics, comic book fans and audiences alike. Fans of the original comics took particular offense to liberties the filmmakers took with the character, as well as the addition of Rob Schneider as Dredd's wacky comic-relief sidekick. There is no word yet on whether Boyle will direct but it's safe to assume the reboot will be more faithful to the comics and probably not feature the madcap comic stylings of former SNL cut-ups. We remain, as always, cautiously optimistic.

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