Judy Greer to be a damn dirty ape again in War For The Planet Of The Apes

Utilizing her usual option to be the tenth-billed performer in any project she deems fit to join, Judy Greer will be returning to the Planet Of The Apes franchise for another film about how it’s time for humanity to say goodbye to these. (“These” being The Statue Of Liberty and their place at the top of the planetary food chain.) Greer will be reprising her role as Cornelia, the damn dirty wife of Andy Serkis’ damn dirty ape leader Caesar, for the damn dirty War For The Planet Of The Apes.

Greer’s had a busy 2015; besides fulfilling her duties as the human host for any number of Arrested Development and Archer jokes, The Queen Of The Background Players appeared in Jurassic World, Tomorrowland, and Ant-Man, and starred in the second season of her own FX comedy, Married. Now she’ll be hopping back into the mo-cap studio and recording booth to embody Cornelia, who we’re guessing will continue to look on in a kind of interesting way from off to the side, as her chimpanzee husband battles against Woody Harrelson and his horde of human troops. War For The Planet Of The Apes is expected to premiere on July 14, 2017.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

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