Juliette Lewis to make Johnny Depp sick by fronting a metal supergroup

Hollywood actors who play music were put on blast by Johnny Depp recently, when the actor who regularly records and performs music with a rotating cast of famous artists announced that actors who capitalize on their fame by playing music make him sick. Depp had better ready his barf bag, then, because according to MetalSucks, confirmed actor Juliette Lewis is handling vocals for a new metal supergroup featuring members of Mastodon, Dillinger Escape Plan, Dethklok, and The Mars Volta.

Giraffe Tongue Orchestra, as the new group and soon-to-be Depp emetic is called, has roped in Lewis as singer, Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman revealed. The musician expounded on his enthusiasm for working with the actor:

I’m a huge fan of her work as an actress and many years ago I saw her band Juliette And The Licks play and like most people I was pretty skeptical. I’m like, ‘Oh another actress or actor that has a band, like vanity project blah, blah, blah.’ So I went into the show and I basically saw somebody that gave 110 percent. By the end of the show she was drenched in sweat, she was throwing herself into the crowd, and when I thought about it I saw this person putting all her energy and spirit into this music, I thought this was almost more real than most bands because she doesn’t need this.

Unlike most working musicians—who will be overwhelmingly pleased to hear that internationally famous actors moonlighting in bands are more real than they are—this is just the kind of thing that will nauseate Depp. After all, when he plays music, he also doesn’t need it. But he was Jack Sparrow, too, so that’s a slightly different career, we guess. Weinman went on to say that the new music sounds very much like a mixture of the various bands whose members make up the group, with Lewis contributing the distinct sound of The Other Sister. The Giraffe Tongue Orchestra album will be released later this year.

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