Just a reminder of how Trump sycophants reacted to voter fraud claims in 2018

Just a reminder of how Trump sycophants reacted to voter fraud claims in 2018
Screenshot: Fox News

“Joe Biden will be the next President of the the United States of America,” is a sentence we still aren’t tired of writing out for our readers. And while this fact of reality (barring an act of, well, William Barr) will lawfully come into effect early next year, a lot of people are having trouble admitting this to be the case. And by “a lot of people,” we mean a worryingly large portion of the GOP.

Yet, strangely, this same group had no problem embracing election results barely two years ago, as evidenced in a new compilation from The Daily Show that collects clips from Fox News’ 2018 midterm elections coverage. Then, Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams lost a highly combative race to GOP hobgoblin Brian Kemp in an election that faced actual credible evidence of voter suppression tactics. But, wouldn’t you know it? When weighing in on that particular shitshow, the Fox News talking heads sang quite a different tune.

“Democrats are being sore losers. They refuse to acknowledge they lost the election, so what do they do? They cry malfeasance, wrongdoing, criminality, fraud,” rants Kayleigh McEnany, currently the White House Press Secretary. (Here she is just yesterday, crying malfeasance, wrongdoing, criminality, and fraud.)

“Democrats—more so than Republicans—seem to have a problem conceding defeat,” Laura Ingraham then muses. “Democrats may be able to seed how they’ll be able to, in the future, steal elections through lawsuits that they can’t win with the voters,” Rep. Matt Gaetz surmises. And, sure, Fox News being a nexus of aggrieved white hypocrisy should surprise absolutely no one at this point, but after five or so years of absolute hell shoveled out to us by the Republicans, we deserve at least a little more time for gloating and reveling in their discomfort.

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