Just because Elementary introduces a character named “M.” doesn’t mean the series has its Moriarty 

Here’s what’s up in the world of TV for Thursday, January 10, 2013. All times are Eastern.


Elementary (CBS, 10 p.m.): There’s only one plausible explanation for the introduction of a Holmes-stalking villain named “M.”—it has to be Elementary’s version of Sherlock Holmes’ mortal enemy, Professor Moriarty—but here are a few people that could also serve as tonight’s episodic adversary: The boss of the James Bond universe’s MI6, the embodiment of the Fritz Lang classic M, or The Letter People’s Mr. M with the munching mouth. Of course, with Caroline Framke filling in for Myles McNutt, that does place The A.V. Club’s regular Elementary correspondent under suspicion…


Last Resort (ABC, 8 p.m.): An episode of Last Resort titled “Damn The Torpedoes” obviously refers to Rear Admiral David Farragut’s famed declaration during the Battle of Mobile Bay. But wouldn’t it be fun to imagine Shawn Ryan receiving a cancellation notice from ABC and saying “Fuck it! One of the final episodes is going to be a musical set to the songs of Tom Petty!”? Scott Von Doviak reminds Ryan he don’t have to live like a refugee when the show ends.

The Big Bang Theory (CBS, 8 p.m.): Dressed up in full Star Trek: The Next Generation regalia—with Leonard as a distinctly Larry David-looking Jean-Luc Picard and Sheldon as Data, natch—the guys get stranded in a desert town that bears a striking resemblance to a set from the original Star Trek. Oliver Sava will make sure not to wear a red shirt while writing his review.

30 Rock (NBC, 8 p.m.): The latest power play by KableTown heir Kaylie Hooper forces Jack to take the extreme measure of teaming up with longtime arch rival Devin Banks. Like Will Arnett slipping comfortably into an old, too-short bathrobe, Nathan Rabin returns to his old beat and finds it mighty agreeable.

Person Of Interest (CBS, 9 p.m.): Kevin Chapman’s Detective Fusco steps into the spotlight, tasked with protecting a supermodel (Karolína Kurková as herself) after Michael Emerson’s magical machine spits out her Social Security number. Phil Dyess-Nugent can’t wait for Fusco to transfer to a Florida police department and start fighting crime from a houseboat HQ.

The Office (NBC, 9 p.m.): Over the years, the employees of Dunder Mifflin have shared a lot with each other: laughs, a begrudging tolerance of Michael Scott, various romantic partners. This week, they’re sharing lice; Farihah Zaman, meanwhile, is sharing her take on the show with you.


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (11 a.m.): You know that thing of where you’re the host of a symbiotic life form, and you run into the host of a symbiont to whom your symbiont was previously married? Zack Handlen hates it when that happens, but he made it through “Rejoined”—where Dax goes through that aforementioned hassle—anyway.


The 18th Annual Critics’ Choice Movie Awards (The CW, 8 p.m.): At last, the lowly critic gets his or her say as to what were the best films of the past year. Until the Golden Globes handicap the likely Oscar winners on Sunday, that is.

Deadliest Space Weather (Weather Chanel, 9 p.m.): In space, no one can hear you scream about the harsh conditions on other planets—as the latest Weather Channel series illustrates.

1600 Penn (NBC, 9:30 p.m.): If you want Molly Eichel to continue covering The Peacock’s White House comedy, cast your vote by reading her review of the second episode. This is as easy as democracy gets, folks.

Kathy (Bravo, 10 p.m.): The first season of Kathy made waves by pulling regular folks into its roundtable fray—but for a season première, the show needs big names. And on a Kathy Griffin-hosted Bravo talk show, “big” is spelled “L-I-Z-A”—just don’t forget that “Z.” She’s apparently very particular about that.

The Apostle (Flix, 8 p.m.): In his mid-60s, Robert Duvall directed (from a script he wrote) and starred in this morality play about a Texas preacher who flies off the handle and starts a new life—and it eventually earned him an Oscar nod for Best Actor. And now you feel like a total hump for doing none of those things at a much younger age, huh?

The Revenant (MoreMAX, 9 p.m.): When there’s something strange / With your undead friend / Whatcha gonna do? / BUST HEADS SO HE CAN GET THE BLOOD HE NEEDS TO SUSTAIN HIS UNNATURALLY EXTENDED LIFE!

College Basketball: Michigan State at Iowa (ESPN2, 8 p.m.): In the wake of The Avengers, have Iowa fans adopted Jeremy Renner as the unofficial mascot of their school’s Hawkeyes? Because the support of a Marvel superhero is the only thing that’s going to power Iowa past the No. 22 Spartans tonight.


Stars In Danger: The High Dive: C-list celebrities survived the high dive, and now Dennis Perkins is thirsty for more stars being placed in relative danger. His insatiable blood lust will not be sated until the debut of Stars In Danger: Piranha Bathtub.

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