Justin Bieber won't let a little radiation stop him from playing Japan

The unstoppable pop machine that is Justin Bieber has two shows in Japan scheduled in two weeks, in Osaka and Tokyo. His road crew wants to cancel the shows, because of all the, you know, nuclear meltdowns and cancerous amounts of radiation. As you might guess, this has caused a bit of a stir between the crew and well-coiffed young singer's management team—and Bieber's manager, Scooter Braun, even had an outburst at the crew, telling them, "Man the fuck up and do the right thing by these kids." (It’s not the first time Braun has been accused of stirring the pot: He was accused of inciting a teenage girl riot back in 2009, charges that were just dropped in exchange for Bieber agreeing to do a PSA about cyber-bullying.)

Now, with his crew refusing to go, Bieber has decided that Japan simply can't do without him, so he's going anyway. Currently, Bieber is scheduled to play in stadiums, but if the lack of a crew means he can no longer deal with a venue that size, he’s apparently promised to play smaller places—“all the way down to homeless shelters,” according to TMZ. It's reassuring to see that the Biebs is willing to go the extra mile and risk his own health—and the health of everyone on his crew—all for the music.

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