Justin Timberlake Has A Reputation For Getting Hit In The Balls

Justin Timberlake Has A Reputation For Getting Hit In The Balls

As you all know, this weekend is The Big Game, a televised football sporting contest that some people (let's call them "Donald Draper," or "fictional characters") claim to watch solely for the ah-mazing commercials. I don't believe people actually do this because in order to watch the biggest, most bombastic football game of the year in its entirety, you have to either like football (at least a little), or have the patience of a thousand Gandhis. That said, let's face it, those Super Bowl commercials are pretty amazing–sometimes they even feature monkeys (crazy, right?) or talking babies (true story).

Yesterday, the New York Times had a totally spoilery article about the commercials that are airing during this year's Super Bowl, including a Pepsi commercial featuring Justin Timberlake. Warning: If you spend all year waiting to be surprised by dazzling displays of Super Bowl advertising, don't read any further.

From the New York Times:

The commercials include spots for PepsiCo beverages…as well as a commercial featuring the singer Justin Timberlake "having a lot of fun with himself and his reputation," Mr. Lubars said, on behalf of Pepsi Stuff, a music promotion sponsored by Pepsi-Cola and Amazon.com.

Here's that commercial:

I love it when public figures lightheartedly poke fun at themselves, don't you? It's good to see that a big, ultra-serious celebrity like Justin Timberlake isn't afraid to skewer his reputation as a guy who gets hit in the balls all the time while selling Pepsi. I didn't think he'd have the courage to go there, but he did. Hilariously.

Also, it's great to see Andy Samberg do something wacky for a change. He really sent up his "comedian" reputation in that commercial.

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