Justin Timberlake out-dances Justin Timberlake... sorta

Justin Timberlake out-dances Justin Timberlake... sorta

In addition to revealing that he "absolutely" smokes the demon weed and really regrets that whole cornrows thing, Justin Timberlake defended former flame Britney Spears' recent deterioration into a narcotized dance-bot in his recent interview with Playboy magazine, saying "I couldn't do the shit I did then either." The quote is a response to a recent video made by Popdust comparing Spears' dancing at the height of her teen-pop stardom to her post-knee-surgery/mental breakdown stage presence. Needless to say, it's depressing.

Less depressing is the video Popdust made responding to JT's quote. Turns out he's right, he can't do the shit he did 10 years ago:

If you haven't seen it, here's the original Spears video, which is almost as disturbing as the sight of Timberlake in a Speedo and porn-stache:

[h/t Vulture]

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