Kate Winslet saves woman from burning building, Ryan Gosling breaks up street fight

Kate Winslet saves woman from burning building, Ryan Gosling breaks up street fight

In a world in desperate need of heroes, there is a force for good that will stand against the evil, and rescue from the darkness the unfortunate and the not-famous. They are the Arthouse Actors League, which so far consists only of Ryan Gosling and Kate Winslet, but whose recent efforts serve as a call to action to all independent film-loving actors who happen to be in the right place at the right time and aren’t horrible people. Their presence became known with the reports that, over the weekend, leonine kajillionaire Richard Branson was hosting an ordinary money orgy on his private island when a jealous God sent Hurricane Irene his way, reducing his 14-bedroom home to fiery rubble. Fortunately, one of Branson’s guests happened to be Kate Winslet, who wasted no time in swooping Branson’s 90-year-old mother into her stout and brawny arms and ferrying her to safety.

The revelation of Winslet’s act of heroism came just hours after the below video surfaced of Ryan Gosling—or, “That Guy From The Movie”—employing his signature hypnotic, sleepy charm to break up a street fight, restoring a peace to New York’s St. Mark’s Place that probably lasted for whole minutes. Whether this confluence of events is all just coincidence is yet to be determined, depending on whether we hear of, say, Philip Seymour Hoffman thwarting a convenience store hold-up.

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