Katie Couric pitching a show where Michelle Pfeiffer plays Katie Couric, basically

Katie Couric wants Michelle Pfeiffer to play Katie Couric. Well, a character based loosely on Katie Couric, at least. And who can blame her?

Couric is attached as an executive producer to a pitch making the rounds at HBO, Showtime, AMC, Netflix, and Amazon for a series that’s being described as a comedic look behind the scenes at a morning news program. Pfeiffer is set to play the lead in the series, which won’t directly pull from Couric’s life but should include at least some fictionalized industry dirt.

Couric’s syndicated talk show Katie ended in June 2014, but she has been keeping busy as the Global Anchor for Yahoo! News. Couric and Pfeiffer have been pitching this new project alongside the show’s creator Diane English, who previously created Murphy Brown. But the most exciting part of this news is the prospect of Michelle Pfeiffer in her first starring role in a TV series; it’s been a rough couple of years for Pfeiffer fans, as the Oscar-nominated actor hasn’t done much film work lately.

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