Keanu Reeves is legitimately amazing at shooting guns

Keanu Reeves is legitimately amazing at shooting guns

Given that John Wick: Chapter Two is currently in production, it’s no surprise that actor (and all-around excellent dude) Keanu Reeves has been training non-stop to reprise the leading role. John Wick was, after all, an intense revenge thriller that featured extensive fight choreography and, to quote Neo, “Guns. Lots of guns.”

Sure, The Matrix trilogy featured a massive amount of stunt work and training too—not to mention a few gruesome injuries—but it’s still eye-opening to witness how confidently Reeves handles guns in real life. Recently uploaded by Taran Tactical and posted to Reddit, Reeves can be seen filmed at an outdoor shooting course absolutely “shredding” a slew of fixed targets. Cinematic gun work can be very hit or miss, but judging by this video, Reeves has basically become one with the once-retired hitman John Wick.

Speaking with IGN, Reeves revealed how John Wick: Chapter Two, which will also feature Matrix co-star Laurence Fishburne, will differ from the original:

“For us it was just what is the next chapter? What is the continuation of this story? Opening up the world—the underground world. The world behind the world in terms of the assassins. Kind of evolving the action—if the first one was a black belt, then this one is third degree black belt. It’s such a fun project and a great character.”

John Wick: Chapter Two hits theaters on February 10, 2017.

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