Keanu Reeves suggests the three(ish) films from his career that novices should watch first

Reeves also discussed working with Al Pacino and movie snacks

Keanu Reeves suggests the three(ish) films from his career that novices should watch first
Reeves, lost in thought. Screenshot: Esquire

In a new interview with Esquire, Keanu Reeves is asked where someone looking for an entry point to the 68 movies he’s made throughout his career should start. Reeves, whose catalog is so enormous that he’s played a character named “John” in seven movies and one video game, needs a bit of time to think up an answer.

He then suggests a very good trio (well, technically a quintet) of movies ideal for the fledgling Reeves appreciator.

When asked to name the three movies he’d tell someone to begin with if they “wanted to get to know him,” Reeves responds: “Getting to know me, or getting to know my work?”

After considering that, actually, you can get to know him through his movies well enough in either case, he agonizes over picking just three films then answers. “Okay, let’s just start with The Matrix—and when I say The Matrix, let’s do the trilogy,” he begins. “That’s one.” Reeves picks The Devil’s Advocate as his second choice then decides “we need something action-y in there, so let’s do Point Break.”

“Start with the easy stuff,” he concludes.

In an accompanying video interview, he’s asked which of his 1990s films he most enjoyed making. Unlike Tom Hanks, Reeves refuses to pick any favorites.
He says he has “searing, incredible memories from all of these [’90s] films” but does give in far enough to mention that acting alongside Al Pacino on The Devil’s Advocate was a highlight. (He also has a hard time picking between whether he likes playing Neo or John Wick more, saying there’s a lot in common between them.)

Lastly, he shares a list of essential movies he made for Carrie-Ann Moss’ teenage son, which includes The Neon Demon, Seven Samurai, Young Frankenstein, Dr. Strangelove, The Evil Dead, Amadeus, and more.

To go with all of these movies, viewers can also follow Reeves’ ideal film-watching snack, mentioned as his order when he went to see how audiences reacted to John Wick: Chapter 3. “We got popcorn—you gotta have popcorn,” he says. “Some Peanut M&M’s. Sweet and savory. Coca-Cola.”

Read the rest of the feature (and watch the interview video) for more on Reeves.

[via Uproxx]

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