Kellyanne Conway has been banned from one of Trump’s favorite shows

Kellyanne Conway has been banned from one of Trump’s favorite shows

It’s been well reported that presidential TV lover Donald Trump is a regular viewer of MSNBC’s daily talk show Morning Joe, with Politico noting that it’s a regular part of the president’s morning routine. But if Trump was hoping to see one of his administration’s most vocal figures swapping vague accusations and fake massacres with hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, he’s out of luck, as Brzezinski has made it clear that Kellyanne Conway isn’t welcome on the show.

Brzezinski and Scarborough laid out a pretty scathing condemnation of Conway, whose past credits include the Bowling Green Massacre and the popularization of the Orwellian non-phrase “alternative facts.” “Every time I’ve ever seen her on television, something is askew, off, or incorrect,” Brzezinski said, while noting that Conway—who’s generally referred to as a counselor to the president—seems to spend most of her time getting booked on TV in order to reassert he relevance. Scarborough chimed in, suggesting that Conway’s various flubs come not from actual lying, but from inflating her own importance without actually being privy to the president’s inner circle. “She’s out of the loop, she’s in none of the key meetings,” he said. “She doesn’t know, she doesn’t have the information.”

Given that Conway’s primary (possibly self-applied) role seems to be serving as the TV liaison for the Trump administration, it’s not clear what this ban will mean for her place in the White House, even if her place on Morning Joe is abundantly clear: “I will say,” Brzezinski finished, “Kellyanne Conway does not need to text our show. At least as long as I’m on it. Because it’s not happening here.”

[via Entertainment Weekly]

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