Ken Bone is back, baby, and he's voting third-party

Ken Bone is back, baby, and he's voting third-party
Real-life superhero Ken Bone attends the Doctor Strange premiere in 2016 Photo: Jerod Harris

You didn’t think we’d get through the 2020 election without a check-in from Ken Bone, did you? The mustached Midwesterner, so cozy in his cable-knit, returned in a Newsweek interview on Wednesday to say that while he’s not undecided in the 2020 election, he’s “uncommitted” when it comes to Trump and Biden. Bone, you see, was #YangGang all the way.

The gentle giant was memed out of obscurity after becoming the face of the Undecided Voter following a 2016 town hall debate. After some gross Reddit posts resurfaced, however, Bone quickly went the way of the “milkshake duck.” Now, in the wake of the interview’s publication, Bone is inviting an altogether new wave of bile onto his timeline by revealing that, while he voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, he’s not voting for Biden or Trump this year.

“I voted Clinton in ‘16 and this morning I sealed my mail in ballot having voted for Jo Jorgensen,” he said, referencing the libertarian candidate. “I don’t agree with either of them 100% but felt they were the best options available to me at the time.”

Bone, who dared to have his own convictions, went on to spar with some of the “cartoon avatar assholes” in his mentions, occasionally dropping burns brighter than his trademark sweater.

Still, a single man can only fend off the encroaching army for so long. Bone will face wrath no matter who wins, his red pullover a flashing target for rage-filled losers desperate for something easy to blame.

Whatever the case, it’ll be good for his Cameo business.

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