Kesha praises the outsiders in new song, “Hymn”

Kesha praises the outsiders in new song, “Hymn”

Kesha’s new song is another family affair—following the release of the “Woman” single and video, which she directed with her brother, the Warrior artist has shared the song she co-wrote with her mother, Pebe Sebert. The new track, “Hymn,” celebrates all the weirdos and outcasts, who don’t fit into any one group, or in Kesha’s words, “religion.” It’s a more meditative song than the empowerment jam that was “Woman,” with a chorus that’s more chant than anything. But it further demonstrates that, legal battles with assholes aside, Kesha’s back.

“Hymn” is featured on Rainbow, Kesha’s third studio album, which is due out August 11. The song/video announcement was accompanied by a personal essay from Kesha, published on Mic, in which she expands on the track’s message, which she thinks is more important than ever:

This song is dedicated to all the idealistic people around the world who refuse to turn their backs on progress, love and equality whenever they are challenged. It’s dedicated to the people who went out into the streets all over the world to protest against racism, hate and division of any kind. It’s also dedicated to anyone who feels like they are not understood by the world or respected for exactly who they are. It’s a hopeful song about all of these people—which I consider myself one of—and the power that we all have when we all come together.

[via Rolling Stone]

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