Kevin Hart is remaking The Great Outdoors

Kevin Hart is remaking The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors isn’t the greatest movie that John Hughes, Dan Aykroyd, or John Candy ever made. But it does hold a certain nostalgic appeal (especially the iconic scene where Candy pits himself against a massive 96-ounce steak, with Aykroyd as his impromptu ringside coach).

Now, Kevin Hart will step up to tackle a similarly huge challenge, with Variety reporting that the comedian will star in a remake of the 1988 film. Universal is currently looking for a director to take on the project, while Randall Green, who writes on Showtime’s Billions, will pen the script.

The biggest question, of course, is who the studio will find to star opposite Hart, a tried-and-tested veteran of buddy-dynamics movies. Assuming Hart sticks with his usual niche and steps into the relatively straight-laced Candy role, there are any number of actors who could play the irritating brother-in-law driving him to distraction: Ice Cube, Will Ferrell, Dwayne Johnson (who could also double as the bear, if the filmmakers need to save some budget after paying him to come aboard). And that’s just sticking with people Hart has buddied up with before; the sky’s the limit when it comes to ruining Kevin Hart’s cinematic vacations.

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