Kevin Smith has begun typing Clerks III

After briefly toying with the idea that he might first approach Clerks III as a book—all the better to be passed down to future scholars, so they can throw them at the giant carnivorous bugs devouring the planet—Kevin Smith appears to have gone back to his original Clerks III concept of a thing where he taps on his keyboard for a while, and then later a movie happens. Smith announced those intentions via a Facebook post, noting that today marks the 20th anniversary of the day he began shooting Clerks, and adding that, “20 years later, with no plan or provocation, I jumped out of bed at 4:20 this morning and started writing Clerks III.” Having already made a 4:20 joke, this screenplay created without plan or provocation would thus seem to be already half-over, minus only a dozen descriptions of sex acts and Star Wars references. And being so close to the end has certainly left Smith brimming with confidence, as he declared, “After 2 hours of tapping the keys and giggling, I have come to a conclusion… Clerks III will be the best film I'll ever make”—a mental image that is definitely the best summation anyone will probably ever make of Kevin Smith. [via Coming Soon]

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