Kevin Spacey unamused by Cassettes Won't Listen's Kevinspacey album

Some people can be so touchy. On June 21, Los Angeles musician Cassettes Won't Listen (née Jason Drake) is due to issue an album originally called Kevinspacey. The title, Drake says, was meant to play with the idea of open spaces, something he’d been thinking about a lot as he adjusted to SoCal's urban sprawl following a move from Brooklyn. But as you might expect, none of that mattered to actor Kevin Spacey, who noticed the uncanny similarity to his name and—despite the absence of any references to him in the album itself—slapped Drake with a cease-and-desist order.  This isn't the first time Drake has dealt with a cease-and-desist, of course, having previously pissed off Guns 'N' Roses by mashing up the not-yet-released Chinese Democracy with Ludacris a cappella cuts. But while that interrupted project immediately disappeared, this one ain't going anywhere: Drake has simply decided to change the name of the album, but only by removing one letter; it's now known simply as Evinspacey. Problem solved. Anyway, you can download the album track "Perfect Day" for free here; again, it has nothing to do with Kevin Spacey.

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