Kevin Spacey’s new movie might make less than $500 this weekend

Last year, Ridley Scott was able to throw a bunch of money at his movie All The Money In The World in order to completely replace Kevin Spacey with Christopher Plummer, but not all productions can rely on the deep pockets of a guy like Ridley Scott. One such movie is Billionaire Boys Club, a crime drama featuring Spacey that was filmed years ago and quietly dumped into a total of eight theaters this weekend—none of which are in New York or Los Angeles. Distribution company Vertical Entertainment announced earlier this summer that it would be releasing Billionaire Boys Club as planned out of respect to the film’s non-Spacey cast and crew, who didn’t know about the allegations against Spacey when the movie was filmed and who didn’t deserve to have their work erased because of Spacey (who supposedly just has a “small, supporting role” in the film).

Despite Vertical’s decision to stand by the film, audiences don’t seem to care. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Billionaire Boys Club only made $126 on its opening night on Friday, and it will “have trouble making much more than $425” once the whole weekend is taken into account. THR breaks that down to about $53 per each of the eight theaters, which comes out to an average of six tickets sold at each location across all of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That, to put it mildly, is real bad.

Aside from Spacey, Billionaire Boys Club features Emma Roberts, Jeremy Irvine, Cary Elwes, Judd Nelson, and Billie Lourd.

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