King of Halloween Nick Lutsko bids 2021 farewell with a new song and album

More Songs on the Computer is coming, complete with a limited vinyl release and mandatory Halloween tax

King of Halloween Nick Lutsko bids 2021 farewell with a new song and album
No word on when Mt. Rushmore will be turned into skeletons, though. Screenshot: Nick Lutkso/YouTube

A lot has happened to everyone over the past year, but arguably nobody has had as much happen to them as Nick Lutsko, the deposed President (and now self-appointed king) of Halloween who accidentally helped usher in the apocalypse after both failing to film his passion project, Gremlins 3: Dawn of Desmond, and defeat his arch-nemesis, Jeff Bezos…oh, and his grandma’s new boyfriend, Mel. And Mel’s hired goon, Big Pizza…

Alright, perhaps we should back up just a bit.

Over the past year or so, songwriter Lutsko concocted a vast, incredible alternate reality via a string of maliciously catchy songs, surreal social media posts, and sincere fan engagement.

Now, as we wind down 2021, Lutsko has released a Billy Joel-esque summation track to encapsulate the past year’s worth of high and lowlights. Not only that, but he’s apparently got a new album on the horizon collecting his past year’s work entitled More Songs on the Computer.

“2020 never ended, it’s only begun / 2021 has been so fun,” serenades Lutsko, the dreamy tune belying a truly terrifying sentiment that we have all slowly come to realize over the months. Much of what makes the cut for “2021 Has Been So Fun” also came across our radar, but in all honesty, we couldn’t make it quite as catchy as Lutsko consistently manages.

Lutsko also announced a new Kickstarter to fund a limited-edition vinyl release for More Songs on the Computer, which runs through January 3. At 445% financed by the time of writing this, it’s safe to say fans will get their LPs made, but only those who place an order by the end date (this is a “limited-edition” release, after all).

For those of you without record players, Lutsko says his new album is due to hit Spotify “soon as hell,” although he couldn’t give us a specific date just yet—within a couple weeks, most likely. Lutsko is also playing a two nights at Chicago’s Union Hall in April, the latter of which still has some tickets left for purchase.

2021 has been so fun; here’s looking towards the terrifying horizon of 2022.

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