King Shark takes a bite out of the Teen Titans in this exclusive preview

It’s been a long time since DC had a compelling Teen Titans title, but the streak of mediocrity has finally been broken with DC Rebirth. Writer Benjamin Percy gave the title a strong sense of direction by bringing Damian “Robin” Wayne into the fold as the team’s new leader, and the opening arc pitting the new Titans against Ra’s Al Ghul and his own group of deadly teens balanced high emotional stakes with energetic superhero fun. The book has gotten lighter with the current story adding Jackson “Aqualad” Hyde to the cast, and the scripts are embracing a tone that combines the thrills of the Young Justice cartoon with the humor of Teen Titans Go! That’s a very good mix for a Teen Titans comic, and it’s helped give the series a more youthful perspective.

That perspective is reinforced by the art team, particularly penciler Khoi Pham’s ability to draw believable teenage characters. Teen Titans had a rocky start on the art front after Jonboy Meyers left the title because of creative differences, but Pham and inker Wade Von Grawbadger have done exceptional work since taking over with issue #3, with colorist Jim Charalampidis providing consistency as the different artists. Von Grawbadger is one of the best inkers in the industry, and he makes Pham’s linework look smoother and sharper than it ever has before. This preview of this week’s Teen Titans #7 highlights the art team’s rich characterizations and dynamic action skills, and the dramatic composition of King Shark’s initial strike heightens the team’s surprise when it’s unexpectedly ambushed by a supervillain. This creative team has successfully brought excitement back to Teen Titans, and fans of the franchise will find a lot to enjoy in this current run.

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