Kiss The Girls

Kiss The Girls

With Morgan Freeman as a forensic psychologist tracking an extra-clever kidnapper/murderer, and Ashley Judd as an escaped victim who helps him, Kiss The Girls must have looked pretty good on paper. In fact, with those elements in place, plus a stylish look and a gimmick that's worked before—a killer takes ideas from a classic piece of literature—it's still difficult to figure out why Kiss The Girls doesn't work. Maybe it's just the sheer fact that there's nothing here that hasn't been done better before. The whole thing seems a little worn, and a bit too much like a brazen attempt to cash in on winning formulas, most notably those used in Seven and Silence Of The Lambs. Those films dealt in dark, disturbing material but never felt cheap while doing so. Kiss The Girls does. It fails to develop a sense of evil, with the kidnapping and killing of women never feeling like anything more than a plot device. Freeman and Judd are fine, as could be expected, but their pairing deserves a better movie—not one with a cheap twist ending that will easily be spotted by anyone who's studied the complex machinations of any episode of Murder, She Wrote.

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