Kodak to roll out free 35mm, Super 16mm film for eligible Kickstarter projects

Filmmakers relying on Kickstarter to make their celluloid dreams come true could soon get a leg up from Kodak, as The Verge reports that the film manufacturer has entered into a partnership with the crowdfunding platform to offer free film to qualifying campaigns. So any would-be auteurs out there in the process of shoring up the means for their masterpiece could get some backing directly from Kodak, provided that their projects will be shot on 35mm or Super 16mm (here’s a friendly reminder of just how gorgeous Carol looked on the latter.)

What Kodak is offering is a “20 percent match (worth of film) on funding for 35mm campaigns and a 15 percent match on Super 16mm campaigns, with a cap on both once the campaign hits $100,000.” If a project’s 35mm or Super 16mm film needs extend beyond that—and they probably will—there’s a discount on the purchase of additional reels. The “gift” amount will vary depending on what the individual Kickstarter raises. Filmmakers can make their case directly to Kodak via email prior to launching; the company hasn’t set a cap on how many campaigns it will help, but will work with Kickstarter to select from among the participants.

Kodak was itself the recipient of the film industry’s largesse just last year, when it reached an agreement with movie studios on the annual sale of a specific but undisclosed amount of 35mm film stock. The celluloid pact had the vocal support of Quentin Tarantino, Christopher Nolan, and J.J. Abrams.

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