Kristen Stewart is happy she avoided The Huntsman: Winter’s War

Kristen Stewart feels like she really dodged a bullet—or perhaps a magical ice arrow crafted by fairies or something—when she managed to not get cast in Universal’s critically and financially disappointing The Huntsman: Winter’s War. Despite rumors that she was dropped from the sequel to Snow White And The Huntsman due to the tabloid scandal that followed a leaked photo of a furtive kiss she shared with director Rupert Sanders, the 27-year-old actress swears that incident had nothing to do with her absence this time around. “It wasn’t a situation where I got kicked off a movie because I got in trouble,” she told Variety in a recent interview. “We had been in talks months after that about making something work, and it never came together.”

Stewart says she was shown a number of drafts for the sequel, but wasn’t particularly impressed with what she saw. “None of them were good. None of them were greenlight-able,” she explained before revealing that Universal did ultimately offer her a chance to reprise her role as Snow White in a Winter’s War cameo. “‘I might just leave that be,’” was reportedly her answer. “So now I’m like… ‘Thank God,’” she said.

While the Twilight-series star has recently entered an artier phase of her career with parts in Woody Allen’s Café Society and Kelly Reichardt’s Certain Women, she told Variety that she relishes the idea of one day being in another big blockbuster special effects extravaganza—but, like, a good one. “I’m a kid from the Valley,” she said. “I love big movies that everyone sees, and I can’t wait for the opportunity to fucking nail that. It has to be the right people and the right time.”

[via Variety]

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