Kristen Wiig re-teaming with her Bridesmaids co-writer for directorial debut

Despite all of the great things Bridesmaids achieved in 2011—like starting a trend of female-driven comedies and normalizing the act of pooping in a sink—its screenwriters, Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo, chose not to pump out sequel after sequel like some boorish man-comedies do. Now, though, as reported by The New York Times (via The Wrap), Wiig and Mumolo are teaming up again to write another comedy, and this time Wiig will direct the movie herself.

Wiig hasn’t directed a feature film before, but she says this “seems like the perfect first project.” The movie will reportedly focus on “best friends who find themselves in over their heads and out of their depths,” which is the kind of hilariously vague synopsis you’d give if the New York Times asked what your movie was about and you had no idea. Apparently it also revolves around a town called Vista Del Mar, but that doesn’t help us at all.

If we were forced to make a guess, however, we’d say the movie will probably be about a pair of wacky scuba diving instructors from Vista Del Mar who find themselves in over their heads and out of their depths as they get lost in the middle of the ocean. While it will certainly be hilarious, everyone will also learn something about themselves along the way and not only become better friends…but better people. Scuba Buddies, from the writers of Bridesmaids. Coming soon to a theater near you.

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