Krysten Ritter meets a manic pixie dream boy in the Asthma trailer

Isn’t it always the case that after you meet a beautiful woman, charm her with your irascible, manic-depressive, car-stealing ways, and strand her outside the city, you end up having to battle for her affections with her charismatic old flame? It’s a story as old as Asthma, actor Jake Hoffman’s (The Wolf Of Wall Street) feature-film writing and directing debut. Benedict Samuel stars as Gus, the manic pixie dream boy who presumably shows Krysten Ritter there’s a better world out there for her. (The movie also seems to be from his point of view, in case you were worried there’d be a female perspective on all this.) As a result, we hear the voice inside his head (courtesy of Nick Nolte), along with a brief but presumably important meeting with someone played by Iggy Pop. Gus gets put through the emotional wringer over what looks to be only a few days’ time, and we’re guessing there’s some sort of resolution to the most important question raised in this trailer: What happens to the car he stole? We’ll find out when Asthma is released on October 23.

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