L.A. gets the George Lucas museum, since that makes more sense anyway

Like the heroic band of Rebels from Rogue One, the people of Los Angeles have infiltrated Chicago’s highly secure archive on the planet Scarif and escaped with the plans to the George Lucas Museum Of Narrative Art. The museum was originally going to be built in Chicago for reasons that seemed fairly arbitrary (close proximity to hot dogs was presumably a deciding factor), but the location Lucas and the museum’s directors wanted would’ve required defying a century-old rule about building on the city’s lakefront—despite the fact that the spot in question is currently taken up by an especially unremarkable parking lot. After a painfully extensive battle between the city and a pro-parks organization, Lucas decided to dump Chicago altogether and head west for the sunny skies of California.

Now, according to The Hollywood Reporter, Los Angeles has successfully won the museum, with Lucas and the directors agreeing to build the $1 billion behemoth on a “narrow strip of land parallel to Vermont Avenue in Exposition Park.” In a statement, the board of directors announced that it is now focusing on building what it believes will be “one of the most imaginative and inclusive art museums in the world,” adding that it will be “a global destination that all Angelenos and Californians will be proud to call their own.”

But hey, at least Chicago still has some great things that L.A. will never be able to match, like deep-dish pizza, that crazy bean sculpture, and the iconic Eagle Man insurance commercial. Look at those low rates, Angelenos.

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