L.L Cool J unites with Boomdizzle for Michael Jackson tribute song

There have been lots and lots of tacky, self-promoting Michael Jackson tributes as of late, but only one prominently involves L.L "Am I a Gay Icon Yet?" Cool J and his website Boomdizzle. Cool J claims he was tempted to write “Billy Jean Dream” when the lyrics came to him in a dream. Cool J’s subconscious is apparently very big on self-promotion, since the song prominently references Boomdizzle and several of Cool J’s song and anthems.

Three things make this song unique:

1.    Its unrelenting cheerfulness. Cool J isn’t about to let that whole “dying mysteriously under a cloud of suspicion and decades of child-molestation allegations” thing get in the way of depicting Jackson as a fun guy who just loved to spend money

2.   The fact that it’s posted on boomdizzle. Boomdizzle. Boomdizzle. That’s just a fun word to write. If you’re having a bad day try saying Boomdizzle out loud a few times. What is Boomdizzle? Who cares?

3.  Cool J claims wrote this song, then gave it to him in a dream. You're falling off, ghost of Michael Jackson. We expect so much better from you.

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