Larry David asks Americans not to blow this great opportunity to stay home and watch TV in new PSA

Larry David asks Americans not to blow this great opportunity to stay home and watch TV in new PSA
Photo: Jon Kopaloff

Last week, Danny DeVito appeared in a PSA about social-distancing, pleading with everyone to stay home and help stop the spread of the coronavirus in order to help old people like him, saying “young people can get it, and they can transmit it to old people, and the next thing you know—I’m out of here.” The video played on our collective fondness for Danny DeVito, putting a human face on the threat of the virus, and it hopefully did some good. On the other coast, though, one of California’s most beloved celebrities has done a PSA of his own about the importance of social distancing, and his argument is a little different.

Larry David also made a coronavirus video, but rather than suggesting that people ignoring social-distancing guidelines could get him sick, he acknowledges that he’ll probably never actually encounter anyone who would watch this video, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get someone else sick. “You’re hurting old people like me,” he says, adding, “well, not me, I have nothing to do with you. I’ll never see you, but let’s say other old people who might be your relatives.” He then offers a stirring defense in favor of social-distancing: You will never again have a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” like this to stay at home and watch TV.

It is socially responsible to stay home. Not going out is the right thing to do. Why would you blow that and put your life and the lives of others in danger? Emulating Larry David is usually a good way to get everyone mad at you, with the camera slowly zooming in on your face and then cutting to black as the theme song plays, but for once you can be the hero by doing what Larry David would do—and not the hero like how Larry David usually thinks he’s the hero for standing up against some questionable social norm. Like, an actual hero.

[via Screen Crush]

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