Larry David had a very "Larry David" way of comforting his daughter after Pete Davidson split

Larry David had a very "Larry David" way of comforting his daughter after Pete Davidson split
Photo: Mike Pont

Cazzie David, the daughter of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm creator Larry David, sounds as anxiety-ridden as dad in a new profile in the L.A. Times. “We have the same low opinion of ourselves,” cracks her dad. The profile comes ahead of the release of her first collection of essays, No One Asked For This, which reckons with her mental health struggles, nepotism, and getting dumped for Ariana Grande.

Yep, David is the ex of Saturday Night Live’s Pete Davidson, who was engaged to the pop star “within weeks” of he and David’s two-and-a-half-year romance coming to an end. And if you’re wondering how someone like her dad, the king of unsentimentality, sought to ease her heartache, know that it’s very on brand.

Read for yourself:

On the plane to her sister’s college graduation, David was held by her dad as she “shook uncontrollably in his arms for the entire flight.” She curled up in the hotel’s bathroom, crying and sucking on her weed pens. She woke up “screaming in agony,” her dad pulling her from the bed to stop her spiraling.


That’s one of way of helping to keep perspective. Of course, he could also have called upon Survivor’s Colby Donaldson for some added encouragement.

We can understand why she’d need it—we’ve all been dumped, but did you have to endure an army of shitty Ariana Grande stans rubbing salt in the wound?

“It was a really pivotal moment in my life,” David says. “And writing about it has caused me a ton of anxiety, especially because I talk so much about hating the attention it brought me. Why would I bring more attention to myself by writing about it? But there’s nothing that’s gonna be worse than what I already experienced with that.”

Read the full profile here. No One Asked For This is due out next week.

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