Lars Von Trier: Look ma, no cameraman!

In its profile of Lars Von Trier, whose new comedy The Boss Of It All premieres at the London Film Festival, the Guardian reports that the director is working without a director of photography. How is that possible? Here's a chilling explanation:

The director was using a new process, "developed with the intention of limiting human influence", which he has called Automavision. This entails choosing the best possible fixed camera position and then allowing a computer to choose when to tilt, pan or zoom. "For a long time, my films have been handheld," he explains. "That has to do with the fact that I am a control freak. With Automavision, the technique was that I would frame the picture first and then push a button on the computer. I was not in control – the computer was in control."

To quote Tim Robbins in The Player, "Now if we can just get rid of those actors and directors, we'd be on to something."

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