Last Week Tonight to spend all week giving the Yankees the trolling they so richly deserve

Last Week Tonight to spend all week giving the Yankees the trolling they so richly deserve

When it comes to the New York Yankees, there are only two types of people; Yankees fans and people who hate the Yankees with the fire of a thousand burning suns. It seems like John Oliver is in the second category.

In spite of the fact they’ve built their stadium in one of New York’s poorest neighborhoods, the Yankees have managed to combine America’s favorite pastime with the sort of elitist snobbery that tends to piss off John Oliver.

Last night, Oliver took particular aim at the Yankees’ Legends Club, a bank of ultra-premium luxury seats designed to prevent ticket holders from ever having to interact with other fans. He also mentioned Yankees’ COO Lonn Trost’s justification for no longer allowing fans to print tickets at home, thereby making them harder to resell. (Trost said that the Yankees didn’t want people who’d paid full price for a Legend’s Club seat to have to sit next to someone who bought their seat online for “a buck and a half” and has “never sat in a premium location” before.)

Obviously, Oliver could not let this stand. So he bought two Legend’s Club seats for each of the first three Yankees home games, and will be selling them for 25 cents to anyone who promises to “dress like you have never sat in a premium location before.” (What that looks like is up to you. To get in on the action, tweet a picture of yourself in your non-premium location outfit along with the hashtag #IHaveNeverSatInAPremiumLocation and which game you’d like to go to. (The full rules are here.)

[Via Hitfix]

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