- music Tammy Wynette: Stand By Your Man By Keith Phipps March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- aux Glenn Dakin: Abe-Wrong For All The Right Reasons By Tasha Robinson March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- aux Thomas Pynchon: Mason & Dixon By John Krewson March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- aux Loren D. Estleman: The Rocky Mountain Moving Picture Association By Scott Tobias March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music Patti Smith: Peace And Noise By Keith Phipps March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music Jeffrey Clark: Sheer Golden Hooks By jgarden March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- aux Edward E. Smith, Ph.D.: Triplanetary By Carlos Yu March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music Spacehog: The Chinese Album By Keith Phipps March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music The Gentle Waves: The Green Fields Of Foreverland By Keith Phipps March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music Mighty Blue Kings: Come One, Come All By Stephen Thompson March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- aux Eric Drooker: Street Posters & Ballads By Keith Phipps March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music Caetano Veloso: Livro By Joshua Klein March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music 2 Live Crew: The Real One By Nathan Rabin March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music New Bomb Turks: At Rope's End By jgarden March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- aux Andrés Martinez: 24/7: Living It Up And Doubling Down In The New Las Vegas By Scott Tobias March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- aux Various Artists: Our Souls Have Grown Deep Like The Rivers: Black Poets Read Their Work By Keith Phipps March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music Lotion: The Telephone Album By David Peisner March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music NoMeansNo: Dance Of The Headless Bourgeoisie By jgarden March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music Tenderloin: Tenderloin By John Krewson March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- aux Edward E. Smith, Ph.D.: First Lensman By Carlos Yu March 29, 2002 | 6:00am
- music Francis Dunnery: Let's Go Do What Happens By David Peisner March 29, 2002 | 6:00am