Laura Dern has shared part two of David Lynch's Oscar acceptance speech

Laura Dern has shared part two of David Lynch's Oscar acceptance speech
Photo: Jeff Kravitz

Despite a career spent creating some of the best, most influential films ever made, David Lynch only received an Oscar (technically an “Academy Honorary Award”) for the first time this year. As a cruel hint of just what kind of speeches we’ve missed out on due to the Academy’s repeated failures to properly celebrate the man, Lynch took the stage to accept his award and said very little other than a few “thank yous” and a perfect sign-off: “Everyone have a great night,” he said before glancing down at the coveted statue. “You have a very interesting face. Good night.”

It’s a good remark—just as long as it needs to be, really. But for anyone who hoped to hear at least another sentence or two that conveyed more of what Lynch thought about receiving the reward, an interview with Laura Dern over at Vulture provides a few extra details.

Speaking to E. Alex Jung, Dern describes what she calls “one of the great nights of my life…where we gave out the honorary Oscars this year.” Having collaborated with Lynch for decades, Dern says “the quintessential moment I’ve had with David in all of these years” came when they stepped out for a cigarette while he was holding his award. “As we went outside, he was holding it and I said, ‘How do you feel?’ and he goes, ‘Wow, this is so pretty. But you know, we’re just lucky.’”

“He goes, ‘I mean, Tidbit [Lynch’s nickname for Dern], they’re not our ideas. We’re just lucky if we catch them.’” Dern says hearing that made her think, ‘Yeah, well, that’s David Lynch.’ They’re not our ideas. Things move through us. We didn’t make them up. I just think that’s really beautiful.’”

The rest of the interview has plenty more on Dern’s entire career, but also a few other details about her work with Lynch, including playing Diane on Twin Peaks: The Return (“I basically just spend my time saying ‘fuck you’ a lot.”) and how their relationship has developed over the years. “It just gets better and better,” Dern says on that point. “He’s incredible! He’s everything you want him to be.”

[via IndieWire]

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