Laura Ingraham has never heard of Netflix's You, never had measles

Or, what happens when two hot-heads attempt to discuss a show called You

Laura Ingraham has never heard of Netflix's You, never had measles
You’s on first? Photo: Chip Somodevilla

Netflix’s You is a very good and very popular show. Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle is a feeding tube shoveling nightly garbage smoothies down its fans’ throats. Unfortunately, it is also a very popular show.

Laura Ingraham’s patented brand of white resentment politics plays very well to her main viewership demographics of pissed-off uncles and women who demand to “speak to the manager” roughly two-to-three times per month. They—host included—are deeply humorless people, but that’s what made last night so absolutely pure and incredible.

On Monday evening, Ingraham’s frequent culture critic (we’re using both “culture” and “critic” very loosely here), Raymond Arroyo, stopped by her show to expound on some absurd argument about how audiences much prefer “woke-free” TV nowadays, using what appears to be Yellowstone as its strawman example. Eventually, he attempts a digression on Netflix’s mega-hit, You, at which point begins a stunning masterclass in narcissism and/or comedic writing:

“I was watching an episode of You where measles came up,” Arroyo starts before being interrupted by a confused Ingraham. “Wait, wait. When did I mention measles?” she asks.

“I don’t know. It was on You,” Arroyo says, somehow already annoyed at his own self-serving rant being cut off by the show host.

“What was on me? What are you talking about?” Ingraham continues, still befuddled.

And so begins a minute of pure comedic gold, during which the two Fox News bloviators’ constant, simmering anger somehow ramps up to a boil extremely fast thanks to their grammatical confusion.

It all comes to a single, glorious finale with Arroyo spelling out, “It’s a show called You on Netflix!” to which Ingraham, without missing a beat, responds incredulously with, “There’s a show on Netflix called Laura Ingraham? What are you talking about!”

Was this an actual, pre-scripted bit between Ingraham and Arroyo employing some classic homonym play? It’s somewhat possible, based on this ludicrous viral situation from the two of them back in 2018 involving an on-air selfie attempt fail. Then again, it is also well within the realm of certainty that this was a genuine, honest-to-God moment of asshattery that almost defies belief.

In all likelihood, the two Fox News parasites will attempt to smirk their way out of the latest viral infamy as they did with their previous self-owns, but for now, let’s just revel in this.

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