Laura Palmer’s house from Twin Peaks is for sale

It’s okay if you missed your chance to buy the Scarface house, the A Nightmare on Elm Street house, or any number of architectural pop-culture artifacts, because now you can buy a home where the birds sing a pretty song and there’s always music in the air. Welcome To Twin Peaks reports that the fictional home of Laura, Leland, and Sarah Palmer is currently for sale for the very reasonable asking price of $549,950.

Located at 708 33rd Street in Everett, WA, it served as the interior set for the Palmer’s house in the pilot for Twin Peaks, and both the exterior and interior set for Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. A different house in Monroe, WA was used for exterior scenes on the series proper—but considering that the interiors are still recognizable after more than 20 years (It even still has Laura Palmer’s rocking chair!), that can easily be overlooked.

The current owners make no mention of Twin Peaks in their listing, probably because they don’t want to attract the attention of BOB.

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