Lawsuit? Did somebody say lawsuit?: Paul Reubens puts a stop to "Pee-Wee Over Louisville" day

Lawsuit? Did somebody say lawsuit?: Paul Reubens puts a stop to "Pee-Wee Over Louisville" day

Apparently, there are some secret words that when uttered in a certain order not only make Pee-Wee Herman scream but also make him run to his lawyers: Pee-Wee, Over, Louisville, and Day.

Will Russell, one of the guys behind the insanely popular Lebowski Fest that has celebrated all things Big Lebowski every year since 2002, wanted to bestow the same honor on Paul Reubens and Pee-Wee Herman by creating a honorary day for the character in Louisville, Kentucky. Now it appears that the star of the Pee-Wee's Playhouse TV show turned Broadway hit turned down the offer by sending Russell a cease and desist letter through his attorney, according to The Louisville Courier-Journal.

Russell said he tried to reach Reubens through his people to avoid any legal complications and convince him to attend the festivities in person. He even talked to the man himself last March and he said he seemed receptive to the idea until the legal letter landed in his mailbox. He said he still hopes Reubens will change his mind so Louisville can know the joy of a "Tequila"inspired dance contest. [via Today]

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