LCD Soundsystem to release 2 new songs tonight at midnight

LCD Soundsystem frontman James Murphy took to the band’s Facebook page this morning to announce that two new songs from the group’s upcoming, still-untitled, still-unfinished album will be released tonight at midnight. Titled “Call The Police” and “American Dream,” Murphy notes the tracks will be available at midnight “wherever you are,” meaning folks in Australia—or anyone who can fake an Australian internet connection—can already listen to them on streaming services. Murphy produced “Call The Police” himself, while “American Dream” was mixed by Dave Sardy, who previously worked with the band on Sound Of Silver and This Is Happening. LCD Soundsystem recently premiered these two songs during a string of live shows at New York’s Brooklyn Steel, where Murphy and company made an empassioned plea to the crowd not to record them. Odds are, the rest of us will soon be getting a chance to hear them performed live as well, since the band just so happens to be playing on this week’s Saturday Night Live.

Murphy’s post also included a bit of news about that long-awaited fourth album. It’s “seriously almost done,” he wrote, “1 more vocal and 2 more mixes to go. It’s been one of the most enjoyable records to make in my life, if not the most fun ever.” As for the big question of when it’ll actually be released, Murhphy laid out a vague timeline but didn’t have any specific dates. He is insisting on a day-one vinyl release, “so it will go like this: finish last mix > get to bob to master > get masters to pressing plant > plant takes X amount of time > records get to distro so that they can go to stores > record released. however long that takes = when the record will be out.” See, it’s just that simple.

[via Stereogum]

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