Learn To Fetch Coffee The Will Smith Way

As a way of promoting the upcoming "Will Smith pulls himself and his son out of the ghetto by taking an internship" drama The Pursuit Of Happyness, Columbia Pictures is sponsoring the "'Pursue It' Ultimate Internship Contest", which allows entrants the chance to compete for "dream internships at Gap Inc., The Hollywood Reporter, Morgan Stanley, NBC, the National Football League (NFL), PEOPLE Magazine, PlayStation and Yahoo!"

More from the press release:

From October 18, 2006 through November 5, 2006 contestants can visit the contest Web site www.sony.com/Pursue-It and choose the company at which they would like to intern. As part of the online application process, entrants will need to create a video of themselves, in which they share, in five minutes or less, their own personal motto or "words to live by" giving examples of how this philosophy makes them uniquely qualified to work at the company they have chosen. Entrants will upload their video interview to the contest website via technology powered by Grouper.

The leading candidates' videos for each internship as determined by a leading human resource specialist will be posted on the contest website. The public will then be invited to vote for the applicant they believe is best suited for each position. Officials at each of the eight companies will interview the top two finalists applying for their respective internships and select the ultimate winners.

Contests winners will also get to attend the Hollywood premiere of The Pursuit Of Happyness. As soon as they finish making these copies.

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