Legion writer Jennifer Yale to adapt Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters for TV

Legion writer Jennifer Yale to adapt Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters for TV

It looks like Hollywood is finally ready to take another stab at the works of Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk, a decade after we all forgot that Clark Gregg (of MCU fame!) directed an adaptation of Choke with Sam Rockwell. According to Deadline, Fabrik Entertainment is now developing a TV adaptation of Palahniuk’s Invisible Monsters, with Legion and Outlander writer Jennifer Yale doing the writing. This will be the first TV show based on one of Palahniuk’s books, but that’s not a particularly huge twist when you take into account that there have only been those two movies in the many years since Palahniuk first started putting out weird, varyingly off-putting novels.

For those who have only read Fight Club, Invisible Monsters is about a model whose seemingly perfect life falls apart when a car accident leaves her disfigured and incapable for speech. As Deadline poetically puts it, “she quickly goes from the beautiful center of attention to being perceived as an invisible monster.” That’s the name of the book and TV show! From there, she realizes the importance of rejecting her past in order to reinvent her life and tries to “break free from the confines of societal norms in truly illicit and surprisingly hopeful ways.”

It doesn’t sound like a network or streaming service is on board yet, so this still has a ways to go before officially becoming the third Palahniuk adaptation.

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