Leighton Meester stans got really confused when Adam Brody used her Instagram to talk about voting

Leighton Meester stans got really confused when Adam Brody used her Instagram to talk about voting
Beautiful people Leighton Meester and Adam Brody Photo: Albert L. Ortega

Gossip Girl and Single Parents star Leighton Meester has more than six million followers on Instagram, all of whom are hungry for Leighton Meester-related content. Consider their shock, then, when they flocked to her latest Instagram story only to be met by some dude with a beard talking about voting.

Said dude was her husband, actor Adam Brody, who was borrowing his wife’s account due to him not having one of his own. There, he reunited with Keiko Agena, whose Lane Kim shared a brief but beloved romance with Brody’s Dave Rygalski in Gilmore Girls’ third season, to reminisce about the show and, as part of a Vote Forward initiative, urge viewers to write letters to citizens urging them to vote in the 2020 election.

A nice thing, that, but it took Meester fans more than a moment to process the marked lack of Meester on their screens. As captured by Variety TV critic (and former A.V. Club contributor) Caroline Framke and Vulture’s Jackson McHenry, the live feed was flooded with comments asking after their beloved Meester. “Where is Leighton?????” asked one. “Were [sic] is blair???” asked another, so lost in this fog of confusion that they referred to Meester by the name of her Gossip Girl character. Brody, who starred on The O.C., for fuck’s sake, was met with puzzlement: “Who’s that guy?”

“This is not about Leighton, y’all,” a lone voice of reason shouted before being swallowed and spat out by these riled denizens of Meesterdom. Whether or not you’ve seen any of the aforementioned shows, this is objectively funny.

But, hey, Meester or no Meester, the 50-minute chat is worth a watch, especially for fans of Gilmore Girls. You can watch it in full below.

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