Lena Dunham to remain universally beloved after slamming Trump at the DNC

Lena Dunham to remain universally beloved after slamming Trump at the DNC

It’s an old political adage: for every Joanie Loves Chachi, there must be a Girls, for every Duck Dynasty guy, an America Ferrera. And so the Democratic National Convention fired back tonight against the Scott Baio-led celebrities of last week’s Republican event, with Lena Dunham and the Ugly Betty and Superstore star taking the convention podium together to talk extensive shit about Donald Trump and drum up support for Hillary Clinton.

Dunham and Ferrera pulled no punches in their attacks on the Republican nominee. (Dunham, presumably, is several thousand shitty Girls comments past caring much about what most other people think of her.) “I’m Lena Dunham, and according to Donald Trump, my body is probably, like, a 2,” the HBO star opened, with Ferrera following with “I’m America Ferrera, and according to Donald Trump, I’m probably a rapist.” They followed that exchange up with a few more digs on the candidate—with Dunham rhetorically asking, “Why should you care what some television celebrity has to say about politics?”and Ferrera responding, “We feel the same way. But he is the Republican nominee”—before turning their attention to their shared support of Clinton. Both women shared their stories—Ferrera’s as a child of struggling immigrants, and Dunham’s as a “pro-choice feminist sexual assault survivor with a chronic reproductive illness”—and why they think Clinton will be able to help people like them, before making one more call for “Love Trumps Hate.”

Both actress-producers have been vocal about their dislike of Trump in the past. Dunham joined a number of celebrities—including Whoopi Goldberg and Samuel L. Jackson—who said they’d move to Canada if the Republican nominee won the election. (Trump responded by calling her a “B-actor” with “no mojo,” because apparently he’s Austin Powers.) Ferrera, meanwhile, penned an open letter to Trump shortly after his “Mexicans are rapists” campaign announcement speech, thanking him for galvanizing Hispanic voters to unite against him.

The DNC has lined up a number of female celebrities to speak this year (presumably as an intentional counterpoint to the RNC’s parade of famous old white dudes) including Sarah Silverman, Eva Longoria, Katy Perry, and Chloë Grace Moretz.

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