Leprechaun! In Alabama!

Bloggest Blog-ophiles,

By now, every blogging blog in the blogosphere has blogged about this local news clip of a leprechaun sighting in Mobile, Alabama.

So, here's the clip. (If you haven't seen it, put down that infant, and go watch it right away. It's hilarious.)

And here's a police sketch of the assailant.

And, courtesy of the Best Week Ever blog, here's a link to an

awesome explanation of what the "Leprechaun" really was. (A hint: $$$)

And, courtesy of the Paper magazine blog, here's a picture of a some princess you've never heard of in a dumb hat.

(I know that this has nothing to do with the leprechaun, but it does have to do with unintentional humor and blogs. And the

Paper magazine blog is one of the funniest things you'll ever read––Unless you care about royals, in which case that blurry shot of a queen kissing a duchess really means something, like, meaningful to you.)

Blog you,

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